JILL STUART 2015 monthly limited items
Aries theme Horoscope Nails New Color In stores March 4, 2016
Do you know the old saying that
women with beautiful hands are more likely to find happiness?
If only every girl could have a chance at such happiness!
This desire has led to the creation of 12 limited edition nail colors,
making your fingers cosmically gorgeous with a signs of the zodiac theme.
Based on the constellations sparkling in the sky and their respective power stones,
dressing up in your own lucky color
will make you feel as though the stars themselves are protecting you.
Furthermore, if you find a secret star
then you may attract even greater happiness!
As the seasons change, new items filed with sparkle
will also make a perfect gift, sent in hope for the happiness of a special someone.
Make a wish upon a star for their happiness
and both you and your loved ones will surely experience a new and happy destiny.
Horoscope Nails Color Variation
08 observant Virgo In stores August 7, 2015
09 justice Libra In stores September 4, 2015
10 resourceful Scorpio In stores October 2, 2015
11 philosopher Sagittarius In stores November 6, 2015
12 loyal Capricorn In stores December 4, 2015
01 inventive Aquarius In stores January 8, 2016
02 compassionate Pisces In stores February 5, 2016
03 generous Aries In stores March 4, 2016
04 prosperous Taurus In stores April 1, 2016
05 clever Gemini In stores May 6, 2016
06 courageous Cancer In stores June 3, 2016
07 majestic Leo In stores July 1, 2016